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businessman megaphoneI’m sure we’ve all heard the saying, “Too many Chiefs, not enough Indians.” Over-management is a common problem that many companies face. A multitude of employees can be barking orders, without any real forward progress for your company.

So how do wide-eyed, new hires sift through the noise and really know to whom to report? As a manager, or even CEO, how do you get your team and company back to an organizational structure without your employees feeling micromanaged?

Here are 3 tips to help you combat over-management:

  1. Focus On Your Company’s Mission. Everyone has ideas, which can be great for company innovation. But you may also have those employees who think their idea is the best thing ever and want to pursue it no matter what. As a manager, this is where you have to step in. Communicate that you love the employee’s enthusiasm behind their idea, but at this time, it is not the best route for company. Take the opportunity touch on your organization’s goals and mission. Getting your employees’ minds focused back on the heart of the organization will help them to better release the tight grip they have on their personal vision.
  2. Build Trust Within Your Team. A common problem that leads to over-management is a lack of trust. Co-workers may not trust one another to get the job done, so they take the reins on projects that may not necessarily be theirs. As a manager, take this opportunity to have a conversation or workshop with your department. Reiterate to your team what it means to trust someone, discuss setbacks to trust and how you can all do a better job.
  3. Explain That A Company Is Like A Human Body. Explain to your employees that the company will only be successful if they are a part of the team. For example, use the analogy of the human body. The body is joined and held together by supporting ligaments. When each part is working properly, it makes the body function and grow. Take the time to highlight each employee’s skills, talents and why they were hired. Not only will this boost each employee’s level of confidence, but it will reveal to employees that every person’s role is different, but valuable. Communicate that when capitalizing on employees’ individual strengths and working as a team, the company will be more productive and successful.

While combating over-management can be a tough issue to handle, a company with an organized structure and strong line of communication will increase efficiency and lead a to more successful organization.

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